

This page provides links to some software related to the course. Please report any broken or obsolute links. Suggestions on links to add here are welcome.

1. Decision Analysis Software

DPL (Decision Programming Language)

  • DPL 9
  • DPL Trial version
    1. If you intend use the trial version, please download DPL Professional and not DPL Direct.
    2. DPL Direct is an Excel add-in which uses the DPL inference engine in the backend. This is NOT the recommended version for your term paper.
    3. The trial version of DPL Professional is fully functional but valid for only 21 days. Plan the validity time window carefully to suit your term paper schedule.

YAAHP 层次分析法软件

  • YAAHP (Yet Another AHP)is a Chinese software for AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation.
  • An English version 10.5 was released several years ago.
  • YAAHP has all the good features expected of a good AHP application software, Ideal Mode and Rating method are not supported.
  • Latest Chinese trial version have limit on model size and sensitivity analysis functions disabled.
  • YAANP is now available for Analytic Network Process models

Palisade Decision Tools

This is a suit of Excel add-in tools from Palisade.

  • PrecisionTree is for decision tree analysis. It has some features not that are not available in Treeplan.
  • @Risk is a Monte Carlo simulation software with and probability distribution fitting capability.
  • Dowload 15-day full-featured trial versions
  • Academic version of this software is available in the ISEM Labs.
  • A student version was bundled with the book by Robert Clemen, Making Hard Decision with DecisionTools.
  • Educational versions were also bundled with some old editions of OR/MS textbooks (CD-ROM). Check if your OR textbook (Hillier & Lieberman) has it.

TreePlan, Sensit and SimVoi

This is a suit of three Exel add-in tools for decision analysis.

  • TreePlan is for decision tree analysis.
  • Sensit is for sensitivity analysis with Tornado and Spider diagrams.
  • SimVoi is for simple Monte Carlo simulation with independent random variables.
  • Academic version of these software is available in the ISEM Labs.
  • Educational versions are bundled with some old edition OR/MS textbooks (CD-ROM). Check if your OR textbook (Hillier & Lieberman) has it.


  • Analytica from Lumina is a set of tools for building and solving decision models using influence diagram and simulation.
  • Review wanted.

Super Decisions

  • Super Decisions is a decision support software for the Analytic Network Process (ANP).
  • ANP (also invented by Saaty) is a generalization of AHP where the interdepencies among all the elements such as criteria and alternatives are allowed and represented as a directed cluster graph. An AHP model can be represented in ANP as a linear cluster graph.

Expert Choice

  • Expert Choice develped by Saaty's company with the same name was one of the earliest full feature application software for AHP.
  • Expert Choice supports both Distributive and Ideal modes as well as the Rating method.
  • Expert Choice went through several generations of evolution from the orginal DOS versions to EC95 to EC2000 to EC11.5.
  • Expert Choice desktop application is no longer supported and has been replaced by Expert Choice Comparion. It is not clear if free trial access is available.

Transparent Choice

PriEsT- Priority Estimation Tool

  • PriEst is an a decision making tool for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
  • Review wanted.

Make It Rational

  • Make It Rational is a software for AHP.
  • Website is not secure. Not sure if it is still active. Update wanted.


  • easyAHP is a software for AHP.
  • Website is not secure. Not sure if it is still active. Update wanted.

Analytic Hierarchical Process Net


  • TreeAge is a software tool for building decision trees, Markov models and event-based simulations. It does not have support for influence diagram.

2. Bayesian Network Software (Some with limited DA capabilities)


  • Netica Application from Norsys Software is one of the early implementation of software for working with Bayesian networks and influence diagrams. It has some basic algorithms for Bayesian network learning.
  • Netica demo version is full-featured for solving up to 15 nodes.
  • Netia API supports Java, C, C#, VB, C++, Matlab and Clisp. There is no support for Python.


  • GeNIe Modeler from Bayes Fusion is an application software for modeling, learning and solving Bayesian Networks.
  • SMILE is an API companion for GeNIe for modeling, learning and solving Bayesian Networks. It supports C++, Java, Python and R.
  • Free Academic license is available for both GeNIe and SMILE.

Hugin Expert

  • Hugin Expert is one of the early comprehensive implementations of Bayesian Networks.
  • Update review wanted.


  • BayesiaLab is an application software that utilizes Bayesian Networks for machine learning, knowledge modeling, probabilistic reasoning (including diagnosis and simulation), causal inference, and optimization.
  • Review wanted.


  • JavaBayes is an old Java implementation of Bayesian Networks with free source code.
  • Update review wanted.


  • BayesBuilder 2.0 is a free application software for constructing and testing Bayesian networks.
  • Update review wanted.

BN Toolbox

  • BN Toolbox is a free Matlab Toolbox for Bayesian Networks by Kevin Murphy.
  • Update review wanted.

Software Listings

Bayesian Network Models Repository

3. Probability Distributions Fitting Software


  • @RISK is a Monte-Carlo simulation software with distribution fitting capabilities for both continuous and discrete random variables.
  • 15-day Trial version available.


  • EasyFit 5.6 can automatically or manually fit a large number of distributions to your data and select the best ones.
  • EasyFit can be used as a stand-alone application or with Excel to solve a wide range of problems with only a basic knowledge of statistics.
  • Review wanted.


  • XLSTAT by Lumivero is a set of Excel data analysis add-on. It can perform distribution fitting using moments and maximum likelihood methods.
  • Review wanted.

Risk Solver


  • ExpertFit is a distribution fitting software from FlexSim (a discrete-event simulation software).
  • Review wanted.


  • disfit is is a python package for fitting probability density function of univariate random variables.
  • Note that it uses the Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) also named Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) criterion and not the more commonly used Moments and Maximum Likihood methods.
  • Review wanted.

Matlab Statistics Toolbox