
The group project provides opportunities for students to integrate and apply the analytical knowledge and computational skills learnt in this course. Students will work in small groups to model and analyise a selected relevant real-world problem using computer software to help decision makers and stakeholders make informed economic or financial decisions.

Project Schedule, Milestones and Deliverables

  • Formation of Project Groups (Week 3)
    Submit your proposed project grouping using this Word Template via Canvas by 3 Feb 2024.
  • Submission of a 1-page proposal (Week 5)
    Submit your group's project proposal using this Word Template via Email by 16 Feb 2023 (extended to 23 Feb 2023).
  • Submission of Progress Report (Week 7)
    Submit via Email. See below for details.
  • Submission of final reports, deliverables and presentation(Week 13)
    Submit via Email. See below for details

One-Page Project Proposal (Template)

The proposal should contain but not be limited to the following:

  • Group members names and contacts
  • Tentitative project title or topic
  • Problem description and objectives
  • Decisions to be made
  • Possible alternatives for each decision above
  • Major factors and uncertainties
  • Possible sources of data/information
  • Any other information

Project Progress Report

Students are expected to have made good progress on the project at least up to the deterministic base-value cash flow modeling phase. The project progress report should contain but not be limited to the following:

  • Problem description including key assumptions
  • Decisions and their alternatives
  • Data for base-value scenarios
  • Cash flow model for each alternative based on base-value data
  • Best or optimal alternative for base-value scenario
  • Proposed further work and schedule (Gantt Chart)


Progress report including Excel file (if any) should be submitted via Email.

Zipped all files into one single file

Only one submission is required per group

Name the submitted file: Group-Number-progress-report.ZIP

Final Report, Deliverables and Presentation (Week 13)

The following are due for submission by 18 April 2024, 5:00 pm via Email.

  • Final Project Report (PDF or Word)
  • Excel files, PY, Jpynb, R codes, etc if any
  • A one-slide poster ( PPT Poster Template)
    Submit original PPT file and NOT PDF version
    Do not change the aspect ratio or orientation of the poster


All deliverables should be ZIPPED into ONE single file.

Name the submitted file: < Group-No >-project-report.ZIP

Submission of multiple fragmented files may be subject to penalty.

Project Presentation

  • Presentations will be on Friday 19 April 2024 from 6:30 pm.
  • Each group will make a 10-minute presentation to the cla immmediately after the presentation.

Peer Review (Optional)

  • You may submit a peer review of your group members to report any uneven contributions to the project.
  • Email your review to me using this Peer Review Form Template.

The Final Report Format

The final report should be written in a formal report style and citations (if any) should be in APA style. The report is expected to contain but not limited to:

  • Cover Page with group members' name and contact.
  • Abstract/Summary
  • Table of Contents
  1. Problem description including key assumptions
  2. Decision alternatives
  3. Base-value Data for each alternative
  4. Finanical or cash flow model for each alternative
  5. Best alternative and solutions based on base-value data
  6. Understanding key uncertainties
  7. Probablistic risk analysis
  8. What-If & Scenario Analysis
  9. Further Analysis: Consideration of non-financial factors if any
  10. Recomendations and Conclusion
  • Refereces
  • Appendix A
  • Appendix B
  • ...

Project Posters from Previous Years