

This page contains computer files and source code (Excel, DPL, YAAHP, Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, etc) that are covered in the Decision Analysis classes.

DecisionAnalysisPy Python Module

This Python Module contains all the Class and Function definitions used by all the Python code and Jupyter notebooks covered in class.


How to use:

  1. Download the Latest Source Code.
  2. Unzip the file and copy to the working directory or folder where you save and execute your .py or .ipynb files.
  3. Use apporpiate import statements in your code to access the names in the module you want to use.
  4. No pip or conda install needed.
  5. See User Guide for documentation and examples from the lecture notes.

Chapter 4: Basic Decision Analysis

Python Code and Jupyter Notebooks

Excel Files

Chapter 9: MCDM I - Analytic Hierrchy Process

Python Code and Jupyter Notebooks

Excel Files

YAAHP Models