

To provide opportunity for students to apply the analytical knownledge, practical skills and software tools learnt in this course to a selected real-world problem to help decision makers and stakeholders make clear and defensible decisions.


  • Submit 1-page Proposal via Canvas (Link) by date TBA using this Template (Done)
  • Submit Final Report & Deliverables via Canvas (Link) by 18 Nov 2024 (Monday Reading Week)

The Proposal (Due date TBA)

The one-page proposal should have the following information:

  • Name, matriculation number and contact of team members
  • Project Title/Topic
  • Problem background, description and objectives
  • Decisions to be made and their alternatives
  • Major factors and uncertainties
  • Sources of data/information
  • Software: DPL, YAAHP, Excel, Py etc
  • Other information

Project Deliverables (Due 18 Nov 2024)

  • Project Report (PDF or Word)
  • Model files (DPL, YAAHP, Excel etc) and computer code (.py, .jpynb) if any
  • 1-slide PPT poster (Use this Template)
    Do not change the aspect ratio or orientation of the poster.
    Submit the original PPT file, do not convert to PDF


ZIP all your files into one file and upload it to Canvas (Link) by 20 Nov 2023.

Final Report

  • Cover Page
  • Abstract or Summary
  • Table of Contents
  1. Problem Description
  2. Base Model Formulation
  3. Deterministic Structuring
  4. Probabilistic Evaluation
  5. Risk Aversion Analysis
  6. What-If, Scenario & Options Analysis
  7. Consideration of Other Factors (If any)
  8. Recommendations & Conclusions
  • References (if any)
  • Appendix A (if any)
  • Appendix B (if any)
  • ...